10 February 2020 -   2 March 2020 ( week 5 - week 8  )
Ahmed Baahy Suhail (0333925)
Intercultural Design
Final Project



After reading through the many great legends of the Lersi, we chose the one that captured our attention the most which is the animal headed Lersi legend.

Animal headef Lersi legend ( Monkey, Deer, Tiger )

Script - The Thai Lersi

Process of creating set up for Puppet Show

Adding foundation for mountain

Painting mountain

Painting mountain

Painting Lersi puppet

Attaching sticks to puppet

Lersi puppets woth animal heads done

Cutting forest and painting

Background complete

Cutting box for puppet show

Spraying box

Leaving box to dry

Cutting slits on side of box for backgrounds to pass through

Cutting slits from bottom of box for puppets to move 

Top view of box with curtain and background

Adding final touches to box

Final set up of puppet show and puppets complete

Side view of box with backgrounds in the slits

Process of filming

Process of filming

Process of filming

Group picture

Shazleena started working on our final website, which includes all the information we gathered as well as our rationale. 


Editing video

Adjusting colors

Narration sounds 

Narration sounds

Noise reduction of narration

Noise reduction of narration

Adding effect to narration

Adding final adjustments to video 

Board 1 - Presentation of Lersi puppets

Board 2 - Presentation of Lersi puppets

QR code to website

Here is the final outcome of the puppet show

Youtube link:


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